Approaching the Analytical Programme of the Ministry of Education under the prism of the IB practices and philosophy in a way that enhances the children’s judgment and inventiveness, our students, by the end of the 1st grade level of Lyceum, have acquired the knowledge of “how to learn!” They have learned to think, inquire, imagine, set goals and succeed, and generate solutions. After meeting the MYP objectives, students are able to claim their future from an advantageous position as “inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, balanced and reflective” people.

Now comes the time for them to exploit these experiences and ensure the furtherance of their education in Greece or abroad.

In PLATON School 1st grade of Lyceum graduates have two options to follow:

The IB Diploma, if they wish to study abroad


our Lyceum Supplementary Programme should their primary goal be to study in a Greek State University.