PLATON School supports students in their academic path -from toddlers to adolescents- within a safe and caring environment. PLATON School provides upgraded education enhanced by new technologies and designed to diversify in order to cater for all learning styles.
Our goal is to nurture international mindedness and a sense of global identity by interweaving a national and international educational programme within a true bilingual environment that promotes academic freedom, intellectual diversity, experimentation and technological achievements. We aim at shaping life-long reflective and confident inquirers who follow their dreams and put their values into practice.
We foster knowledgeable and caring personalities, balanced free-thinkers, democratic citizens who are capable of attaining personal happiness and helping in making a better and more peaceful world.
21st century Education
“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet”
Richard Riley, Former US Secretary of Education
The 21st century has brought and will continue bringing about dramatic developments in all aspects of our lives which we constantly strive to follow. At the same time we also must try hard to accomplish the big goal of our century, world prosperity. This requires equity of resources, eradication of injustice and inequalities and reversal of the environmental destruction and climate change. In our School we nurture citizens who want, know how to and can succeed all the above. Giving children the tools to make the world a better place, PLATON today is indeed a school for a changing world!
The key principles of an education that aims to shape happy people -citizens of a better world- are the following:
Personal education
- Knowing all aspects of ourselves well, our psychology, talents and bodies
- Adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating well and exercising to achieve health, wellbeing, balance and reduce stress
- Being able to set goals and follow them
- Knowing how to learn and resist to ambiguous information
- Thinking creatively and innovatively
- Thinking critically and being able to resolve problems
- Being ethical and principled
Social education
- Being able to communicate properly and efficiently in all ways (oral, written, digital) in more than one language
- Collaborating efficiently with others, treating them with respect and acceptance and finding the middle ground
- Becoming active citizens
- Becoming empathetic and caring citizens
- Knowing our rights and obligations as members of our communities
Civil education
- Being informed about, understanding and judging government practices
- Maintaining healthy political views without prejudices, staying away from fanaticism and propaganda
Multicultural education
- Knowing, accepting and appreciating different cultures
- Respecting ideas and humans who represent other cultures, religions, lifestyles and being open to communication at a personal, professional and social level
Financial education
- Becoming financially responsible and independent
- Knowing the role of the economy in our personal, social and political lives
Environmental education
- Knowing how the environment and ecosystems work
- Knowing how the humankind affects the environment
- Taking part, individually or collectively, in environmental actions and adopting more eco-friendly choices and routines
Information literacy education
- Being able to approach and use information efficiently and critically
- Managing properly and “filtering” the daily huge mass of information regardless of which medium it comes from
- Using computers, smartphones and the tools they provide properly to facilitate and improve our lives without becoming dependent