In a crucial transition period for children -from the comfort of a giving environment through the adolescent revolt against given facts to the mature realization of the importance of conscientiousness- Platon School deploys significant educators, collaborators, programmes and infrastructure to support them academically, morally and psychologically.
We have adopted the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) addressed to children aged 11 to 16 which includes the 1st grade level of Lyceum (the upper secondary education level in Greece).
At the forefront of the MYP
Platon School is at the forefront of the MYP as is acknowledged by the international educational community.
In 2015 our students were the first, in Greece, to be awarded the MYP Certificate, an international qualification recognized by the most prominent universities in the world, via eΑssessment (a computer-based international examination in English).
In May 2018 our School organized and hosted the international symposium “Education Forward – From Junior High School to University: New Paths, New Opportunities” to present the IBO’s niche proposals on education today. The Director of the IB World Schools, Mr. Adrian Kearney, was the keynote speaker.