We ensure a smooth transition from the MYP to the Diploma program
Our school is the first educational institution in Greece to have implemented all 3 academic programs, PYP, MYP and the Diploma. Students are exposed to a culture of practices which aligns all 3 programs with clear and consistent aims, allowing students to benefit and acquire knowledge, skills and valuable attributes.
Transition to the Diploma is secured via the following MYP practices:
- Consistent and clear aims in both teaching and learning, throughout MYP Years 1 to 5, ensure a smooth transition to the Diploma program
- Conceptual and inquiry based teaching and learning prepares students so as to take responsibility for their own learning
- Encouragement to students to think critically and question assumptions
- Encouragement to students to consider global contexts and shape a globalized attitude and approach
- Development of multilingual students
- Acquisition of a pallet of skills i.e. communication, self-management, social, research and thinking
- Acquisition of culturally awareness
- Participation in a variety of extra-curricular activities permitting students to develop a personal and inter personal learning
- In Year-5 students are given the opportunity to enhance research skills by assembling their personal project, an externally evaluated component
- In Year-5 students are given the optional component of undertaking E-Assessment examinations, externally assessed, in 5 different knowledge disciplines, thus supporting higher academic achievement
Further reading: